Retirement Plans
(including Cash Balance Plans)
- Plan design, implementation and ongoing actuarial advice on funding.
- Actuarial valuation and preparation of government forms for compliance with regulatory requirements.
- Cost estimates of plan changes and forecasting using simulation techniques.
- Development of computer software for fast and easy benefit calculations when employees inquire about their retirement options or apply for benefits.
- Development of software to calculate maximum benefit amounts and minimum distributions.
- Determination of present value of benefits under a Qualified Domestic Relations Order.
- Plan design and implementation of all types of defined contribution plans -– 401(k) plan, profit-sharing plan (including new comparability and age-weighted plans), money purchase plan, employee stock ownership plan, stock bonus plan, etc.
- Processing of plan records on a periodic basis, including testing for anti-discrimination and preparation of required government forms and comprehensive benefit statements.
- Development of administrative and data systems for maintenance of the company’s master files.